学生,家庭和学校服务是非常兴奋地提供 “父母学院 去," a series of virtual presentations for families to participate and view at home.
父母学院 去 is designed to inform and empower families as advocates and partners in their children's education. Workshops provide families with useful information and resources to support their children's academic and emotional well-being, 以及帮助他们为大学和职业做好准备. Through a variety of learning opportunities hosted by 威尼斯官网在线 staff and community partners, 我们希望加强与家庭和社区的接触. We recognize that behind every successful student are supportive families, 老师, school staff and community members who take an active role in educating our students.
Advanced registration is required to participate in our workshops and chats.
注册工作坊很容易! 只需点击下面的按钮即可在线注册:
4月2日下午6:00- 7:00
积极地让你的孩子参与到防止浪费的活动中! A food expert and her resourceful second grader will share their 8 favorite "easy to adopt" hacks for home and school which could result in huge savings for you and your family. 由Daniela Ochoa Gonzalez介绍, 当地食品系统自由职业者, who is an 威尼斯官网在线 mom and a member of the MCCPTA Sustainability and Green 学校 subcommittee. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
“渐开线是我们的生命线prevención”! Una experta en alimentación resiliente y su ingenioso hijo de quinto grado compartirán sus 8 trucos favoritos "fáciles de adoptar" para el hogar y la escuela que podrían generar grandes ahorros para usted y su familia. 有请达妮埃拉·奥乔亚González, 咨询师对当地的食物进行了系统分析, madre de 威尼斯官网在线 y miembro del subcomité de Sostenibilidad y Escuelas Ecológicas de MCCPTA. Recomendado para familias de estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y preparatoria.
这是2部分系列文章的第1部分. 鼓励参加这两个研讨会.
Leader in Me is built on the timeless universal principles and paradigms of the 7 Habits. 这个工作坊邀请家庭, 护理人员, advocates and community leaders to share in the experience of their students and learn how the Habits can be applied at home. 由富兰克林柯维教育提出. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
随着孩子们在共享空间中成长和发展, behavioral expectations and interventions are a critical component to maintaining positive school climates. 了解更多关于如何根据学生行为做出决定的信息. This session is designed to help parents understand the behavior matrix that guides the decision of school administration when there is a behavioral infraction committed by a student. 由上诉庭提出. 推荐给初高中家庭.
你觉得和你的孩子沟通很困难吗? 你想知道如何进行真正的对话吗? 在这个研讨会上, you will learn helpful and practical skills to encourage communication between you and your teenager and strategies that can help reduce problems. 推荐给初高中学生家庭使用.
这是2部分系列文章的第2部分. 鼓励参加这两个研讨会.
Leader in Me is built on the timeless universal principles and paradigms of the 7 Habits. 带着家人一起享受快乐时光! 写一份家庭使命宣言, 玩Leader in Me宾果游戏, and enjoy time synergizing with other families 由富兰克林柯维教育提出..推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
这是6部分系列文章的第1部分. 鼓励参加所有6个讲习班.
在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
Do you find yourself getting frustrated with your kids or giving in to their demands? 对很多家庭来说, 管教孩子是养育孩子最困难的部分之一, 但也是最重要的. Discover how to keep peace in your home through the power of the logical consequence approach instead of punishment. 学会用爱来约束自己的策略, without threats and bribes and how to establish age appropriate expectations for behavior and consequences. 家长助理资源(PAR)呈递. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
这是6部分系列文章的第2部分. 鼓励参加所有6个讲习班.
在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
For busy families, the two most challenging times of the day are the morning and the evening. Add in school-year time pressure and these times can become a high-stakes battlefield. Learn how to motivate your child to be ready to roll in the morning with everything they need, and to wind down at night in a way that ensures readiness for the next day. 在繁忙的学年里,让每个人都取得最大的成功. 由家长鼓励计划提供. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
这是6部分系列文章的第3部分. 鼓励参加所有6个讲习班.
在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
Join to learn why it's important to have a Narcan first aid kit in your home. 了解阿片类药物的危害以及如何使用纳洛酮. 每位参与者将获得一个免费的纳洛酮急救包. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给初高中学生家庭使用.
有效的焦点, 动机, 处理挫折, and communication depend on the ability of students to understand and manage their emotions. These are basic competencies that are crucial to student well-being and success. This virtual workshop will focus on how to include Mindfulness practices in both the curriculum and our personal life. 威尼斯官网在线工作人员介绍. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
这是6部分系列文章的第4部分. 鼓励参加所有6个讲习班.
在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
加入我们,了解所有关于MCPL的夏季阅读挑战. Information about library programs for children, teens, and adults will also be shared. 由蒙哥马利县公共图书馆提供.推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
这是6部分系列文章的第5部分. 鼓励参加所有6个讲习班.
在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
许多学生, 三年级及以上, still find sounding out and spelling words difficult—this makes all the reading and writing in school feel hard. Practicing with step-by-step phonics materials can improve these skills and build a student’s confidence and enjoyment of reading. 威尼斯官网在线与开源Phonics合作, a website that provides tutoring materials that are free and aligned with 威尼斯官网在线 curriculum. Tips for making phonics practice fun and stress-free will be provided, so please come! 适合小学生家庭使用.
这是6部分系列文章的第6部分. 鼓励参加所有6个讲习班.
在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.
的威尼斯官网在线 父母学院 去 series provides families with information central to their children's academic and emotional well-being. 由社区专业人士和威尼斯官网在线专家领导, we offer a variety of workshops and chats focused on topics important to families of 威尼斯官网在线 students. Our goal is to empower families with the skills and strategies necessary to become active participants in their children’s education.
如果你不能加入我们的家长学院 去 研讨会或聊天,访问 威尼斯官网在线 YouTube频道 录制会话. Please note that it may take up to a week before new recordings are posted.