声明 from the Montgomery County Board of Education

声明 from the Board of Education

策略计划, FY 2018 represents our continued commitment to the five core values that define what it means to be an exceptional school system: 学习, Relationships, Respect, Excellence and Equity. Montgomery County Public Schools (威尼斯官网在线) is committed to educating our students so that academic success is not predictable by race, 种族, 性别, 社会经济地位, language proficiency or disability. We will continue to strive until all gaps have been eliminated for all groups. Our students will graduate with deep academic knowledge and become prepared for tomorrow’s complex world and workplace.

This plan outlines expectations for students and staff and lays out a clear path to meet our objectives and goals. It also requires 威尼斯官网在线 staff to assess student performance by addressing key essential questions:

  • Are our children learning?
  • Are they learning enough?
  • 我们怎么知道?
  • 如果没有,为什么没有呢?
  • What are we going to do about it?

威尼斯官网在线 will continue to organize and optimize resources that address the essential questions and support the Board’s core values to ensure that every student is well prepared for success. It is this focus that has made 威尼斯官网在线 a shining example across the country and will allow us to continue to serve our students at the highest level for generations to come.

我们的宗旨 成功



We inspire learning by providing the greatest public education to each and every student.



Every student will have the academic, 创造性地解决问题, and social emotional skills to be successful in college and career.



Prepare all students to thrive in their future.



学习, Relationships, Respect, Excellence and Equity.

准备 成功的

我们的四大支持领域 提高教学质量 & 学习 & Provide a Strong Academic Program


提高教学 & 学习 & Provide a Strong Academic Program

To provide a strong instructional program at all levels that supports the "whole child."

Focus on 学习, Accountability and Results



Focus on 社区伙伴关系 & 订婚

Focus on Operational Excellence



  • Identify multiple indicators to measure what students are learning and if they are learning enough.
  • Provide staff the necessary knowledge, skills and tools that allow for informed and focused teaching and learning.

Expanding Options and Access

  • Increase access to programs and resources so that all children are academically successful.

College and Career Readiness

  • Graduate students that have the knowledge and skills to qualify for and succeed in entry level job or credit-bearing postsecondary coursework without the need for remediation.

Social/Psychological Well-being

  • Acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand personal health and wellness, 管理情绪, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

Highly Effective Employees

  • Ensure all staff members possess the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the needs of students.


  • Ensure our workforce represents the students and community we serve


  • Work with parents to improve the learning, development and health of our students.


  • Sustain and expand existing partnerships that meet the in-school and out-of-school needs of students and families.

High Quality Infrastructure

  • Provide students and staff the systems, 设施, organizational structures and services that foster a positive learning environment.

政策 & 程序

  • Ensure compliance with all aspects of federal, state and district policies and procedures.


  • Ensure resources are aligned to our strategic priorities and distributed efficiently and effectively.

沟通 & 协作

  • Engage collaboratively and effectively with schools recognizing that they are our primary customer.
  • Strengthen collaboration and coordination across central services.

水平 策略

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